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Chief Counsel at R.N.C. Pushed Out After Two Months on the Job

Charlie Spies, a veteran election-law lawyer, had been under attack since soon after he joined the Republican National Committee in March.

Charlie Spies, the Republican National Committee’s chief direct, was pushed out of his unused part fair two months after taking the work, in the midst of a storm of contention over clashes including other clients at the firm where he still works, concurring to two individuals briefed on the matter.

Mr. Spies, a ingenious election-law legal counselor whom the R.N.C. contracted in Walk basically since of his information of how best to utilize existing directions to a campaign’s or a candidate’s advantage, has been beneath assault since before long after he arrived at the committee.

A representative for the Trump campaign and the R.N.C. did not react to an e-mail looking for comment. Mr. Spies would not comment.

His past work — counting for the presidential campaign of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, the super PAC supporting Jeb Bush against Donald J. Trump amid the 2016 Republican essential and Glove Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential chosen one — was highlighted for Mr. Trump by individuals looking for to remove Mr. Spies.

That mollified the ground to get freed of him, concurring to the two individuals briefed on the matter. But in the final few weeks, the truth that Mr. Spies’s firm — from which he did not take a take off when he acknowledged the R.N.C. work — still has ties to Mr. DeSantis got to be a specific point of concern for Trump authorities, the two individuals said.

Mr. DeSantis and Mr. Trump as of late met for the to begin with time to repair their relationship after their bruising essential battle. The Trump group, which is being out-raised by President Biden’s group, trusts that Mr. DeSantis can offer assistance raise cash. But the specifics of what that work might see like got to be an issue, driving to concerns that Mr. Spies has clashes, the two individuals said.

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