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WATCH: Boeing’s 1st crewed mission to International Space Station halted at last minute

WATCH: Boeing’s 1st crewed mission to International Space Station halted at last minute

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — A last-minute issue nixed Saturday’s dispatch endeavor for Boeing’s to begin with space explorer flight, the most recent in a string of delays over the years.

Watch the occasion in the player above.

Two NASA space explorers were strapped in the company’s Starliner capsule when the commencement consequently was ended at 3 minutes and 50 seconds by the computer framework that controls the last minutes some time recently liftoff.

With as it were a part moment to take off, there was no time to work the most recent inconvenience and everything was called off. It was not promptly clear why the computers prematurely ended the countdown.

Launch controllers were assessing the information, said Joined together Dispatch Alliance’s Dillon Rice. But it’s conceivable the group might attempt once more as before long as Sunday.

Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams remained in their capsule seats, as they anticipated specialists to offer assistance them out.

The to begin with dispatch endeavor on May 6 was postponed for spill checks and rocket repairs.

NASA needs a reinforcement to SpaceX, which has been flying space explorers for four a long time.

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